1. Earn money for fun trips, community service projects, council sponsored
events & activities, cool Girl Scout items in our shop and more!
2. The Girl Scout 100th Anniversary tin is AWESOME!
3. You can get one of your parents to buy you that magazine subscription you’ve
been dying to have
4. With 15 yummy snacks, your holiday gift buying will be taken care of!
5. You can earn cool peace sign lights to decorate your bedroom!
(and other great incentives!)
6. The white arctic fox stuffed animal is so cute this year!
7. The Super Seller restaurant dinner is a blast!
8. Fall Gift of Caring ~ help troops overseas and Helen Devos Children’s
9. New Caramel Treasures ~ creamy caramel centers covered in smooth milk
10. New Blueberry Pomegranate Nut Crunch ~ tasty squares of almonds, cashews,
pistachios, blueberries and pomegranate.
11. New Sugar free Chocolate Truffles ~ rich and creamy truffles that do not
taste sugar free!
12. New Value Three-Pack ~ honey roasted cashews, spicy peanuts and wasabi
13. New Butter Toasted Peanuts ~ lightly toasted peanuts with a buttery flavor
14. Buy your favorite teacher the new School House Tin with mint meltaways inside
15. Participate in the 1st ever Fall Booth Sales!
16. Troops earn $1 for every girl who participates in the sale
17. Service units earn $.50 for every girl who participates in the sale
18. The top selling troop will receive a pizza party at Craigs Cruisers!
(troop with greatest percentage increase from last year)
19. Our Fall Kickoff Open House parties are going to be SUPER FUN!
20. It’s SO EASY to participate!
21. The Hairy Pink pen is so cool
22. The Fall Sale patches are fun and all fit together
23. Incentives are cumulative!
24. Troops earn 10% of their combined dollars sold
25. Troops earn $2 for every completed QSP address booklet (at least do that!)
26. The online learning activities are tons of fun
27. Chocolate covered raisins
28. Fruit Slices (you know you love them!)
29. Meet new people while selling
30. You can make a checklist and track your progress
31. Have fun celebrating your accomplishments when you reach your goal
32. Double dipped peanuts
33. Chocolate covered almonds
34. The joy of reading new magazines
35. Peanut butter dreams
36. Pecan clusters
37. Hot Cajun crunch
38. Take just 10 minutes to enter 12 email addresses- it’s that simple!
39. Selling is tons of fun!
40. You are learning valuable business skills
41. It’s part of Girl Scouting- building courage, confidence and character!
42. Over 600 magazine items to choose from
43. Benefits of the magazine online program: people receive subscriptions
faster, no need to collect money, all major credit cards accepted
44. Over 60 children’s and teen magazines!
45. Your grandma renews her subscription anyway- why not have it benefit Girl
46. Girl Scout camp was a blast last year and you want to start earning money to
go again this summer
47. Your troop can work together decorating your booth with cool posters
48. Investing in Today = Success for Tomorrow! (this year’s theme)
49. Your troop can start out the year on the right foot by earning start up
50. You get to work with great Retail & Product Sales Managers at Council!
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