10 amazing girls sold 1,500+ boxes of cookies this past season! This is a major undertaking and a HUGE accomplishment! I am so proud of the following girls: Ashley Caverley Natalee Hill, Gretchen Heegeman, Mariah McNeilly, Emily Oldenburg, Meredith Allen, Jannavieve Gilliam, Brynn Fortner, Zoe Paul-Shepard and Bethany Kartes. Girls received laptop computers along with a cool carrying case.
I asked these girls how they raked in the big numbers...
1 went out every day after school for 3 hours each night going door to door in the cold selling, selling, selling. That is dedication! Another sold in cases- saying, "1 case of thin mints is only $42". And one girl attached recipes from Little Brownie to her order sheet as she went around to potential customers. Way to go girls! We are so proud of each of you!
Pictured: Ashley Caverley, picking up her laptop at the Grand Rapids Service Center.
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